
Showing posts from September, 2017

Puzzling State of Rural Economy

Puzzling State of Rural Economy Introduction: The state of India’s rural economy is puzzling. There is enough evidence to support two opposing statements: One, that the rural economy has improved; and, two, that the rural economy is in the doldrums. On the one hand, some indicators are positive- The unemployment rate has been falling while rural wages have been rising. On the other hand, instances of rural distress are rife and rural consumer sentiment has weakened. There has been a surge of demands for farm loan waivers. Four states have already announced waivers worth about 0.5% of national gross domestic product (GDP). Four more are threatening to do the same. What triggered the distress? The large fall in food prices and the resulting shift in the terms of trade (the cost of producing food versus the income derived) to the detriment of rural India triggered the distress. Causes of falling food prices: Immediate cause- The causes of falling food prices are one-tim...

Sedition in India: Section 124 A of IPC vs Freedom of Speech

Sedition in India: Section 124 A of IPC vs Freedom of Speech   Sedition in India is defined by section 124 A of the Indian Penal Code. Section 124A was introduced by the British colonial government in 1870 when it felt the need for a specific section to deal with radical Wahabi movement of the 19 th   century, led by Syed Ahmed Barelvi and centred around Patna. Section 124 A of IPC Section 124 A states:- “Whoever, by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or otherwise, brings or attempts to bring into   hatred or contempt,   or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards the Government established by law shall be punished   with imprisonment for life,   to which fine may be added, or with imprisonment which may extend to three years, ” Sedition laws in India Altogether, Sedition laws are found in the following laws in India: the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Section 124 (A)) the Code of Criminal ...

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Right to privacy

What was the issue? The government’s move to make AADHAR mandatory for all citizens has once again triggered a debate around Right to Privacy. What is the present status of right to privacy? Right to Privacy does not find any mention in the Constitution. This right has been picked from Article 19 and 21 which deals with right to life and liberty. In the absence of clarity, it has been defined only by a string of judgments. As early as 1954, the apex court observed in a ruling that right to privacy is not a recognised right listed under Article 19 of the Constitution. It also held that it would not be possible to import the right by ‘strained construction’. What were the landmark judgements in this regard? Kharak Singh vs. State of UP -  Extending the dimension of ‘personal liberty,’ the apex court for the first time declared right to privacy to fall under the purview of Article 21. The court defined the right of personal liberty in Art. 21 as a righ...

आस्तित्व को भुला बंगाल

आस्तित्व को भुला बंगाल बंगाल शब्द सुन कर कभी दिल में राष्ट्रप्रेम में राग जगाने वाले महान विभूतियों का संस्मरण मस्तिष्क में आता था जब जगदीश बसु ,देवी प्रसाद चट्टोपाध्याय,शरद चंद चट्टोपाध्याय,रवीन्द्र नाथ ठाकुर,सुभाष चंद्र बोस,स्वामी विवेकानंद,खुदीराम बोस ना जाने कितने ऐसे लोग है जिन्होंने बंगाल को एक वैश्विक पहचान दी। ये बंगाल का दुर्भाग्य रहा कि वहां पर वामपंथी विचार धारा का गढ़ रहा है उनके मुख्यमंत्री कार्यालय में कभी लेनिन, स्टालिन,मार्क्स की तस्वीरों से सज्जा हुआ करता था ममता बनर्जी ने 35 साल बाद वो वामपंथी किला ध्वस्त किया उनसे उम्मीद तो जनता को यही थी कि वे सब को साथ लेकर काम करेंगी पर आज ऐसा होता दिखाई नहीं देता ममता बनर्जी पूरी वामपंथी ना हो कर उनसे भी दस कदम आगे निकल गई है वे जिस तरह की राजनीति कर रही है उस से बंगाल मे आने वाले समय में अलग हो सकता है बंगाल सिर्फ बंगाल नहीं है वे पूर्वात्तर का एक ऐसा राज्य है जहाँ भारत पूर्वी देशों तक अपनी पहुँच बना सकता है वहां समस्या सीमा क्षेत्रों में बंगलादेशी मुस्लिमों घुसपैठिये की आबादी का बढ़ना विधानसभा सीटों पर उनकी निर्णायक भूमिका ह...

Why GDP only 5.7%

Economy outlook why5.7%only   Data released by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) showed the economy grew 5.7% in April-June, the first quarter of the current fiscal year, slower than the previous quarter’s 6.1% and much lower than the 7.9% growth registered in the first quarter of 2016-17. Good condition- 1.Inflation has been moderate, and touched a low of 1.5% recently. 2. trade and fiscal deficits are moderate and manageable. So they don’t eat up investible resources or precious foreign exchange. 3.The interest rate has been cut repeatedly over the past year and a half. 4.The inward rush of dollars is at a peak, both in financial markets (stocks and bonds) and as direct investment. 5.The stock market index is at an all-time high. 6.Oil prices have been stable and comfortably low. 7.Finally, the monsoon has been normal Slowdown steepest in manufacturing, The manufacturing growth at 1.2% is the lowest in the past five years. It’s the lowest since we switched to a new methodo...

beyond social media

On September 4, the Cell for IPR Promotion and Management (CIPAM) under the aegis of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, launched a social media campaign to promote Geographical Indications (GIs) with the hashtag #LetsTalkIP. The press release says that GIs are of utmost importance to the country as they are an integral part of India’s rich culture and collective intellectual heritage and that their promotion is in line with the Government’s ‘Make in India’ campaign. It adds that it is an area of strength and optimism for India as the “GI tag” has accorded protection to several handmade and manufactured products, especially in the informal sector. CIPAM proposes to talk about interesting facts and stories on GIs using social media. With legislation enacted in 2003 — the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection) Act, 1999 (the GI Act) — for their protection and 295 names registered with the Geograp...

rohingya vs national security

रोहिंग्या मुस्लिम संकट म्यामांर के रोहिंग्या से आये मुस्लिम भारत में एक बड़ी योजना के साथ आ रहे है। कश्मीर घाटी में लगातार हो रही आतंकियो की मौत से और कुछ आतंकी का रोहिंग्या मुसलमान कश्मीर में आतंकी गतिविधियों में लिप्त होना बोधगया में आतंकी हमले में रोहिंग्या मुसलमान का सूत्र होना बड़ा ही चिंता जनक है। साथ ही पूर्वोत्तर के कलादान सड़क गलियारा परियोजना जोकि लाखों डॉलर की योजनाओं के साथ बन रहा है उस पर भी संकट हो सकता हैं। तथा कश्मीर में लगतार आतंकियो की मौत ने आतंकी आकाओं में कमर थोड़ दी है सीमा से हो रही धुसपैठ पर लगाम सेना की बड़ी सफलता है जो आतंकी आकाओं में हौसले पस्त करती है हमको अब ये समझने की आवश्यकता है की रोहिंग्या मुसलमान के रूप में वो लोग भविष्य में गंभीर समस्या उत्पान कर सकते है इसका दूसरा पहलू ये है की ये कश्मीर हरियाणा दिल्ली हैदराबाद और अन्य राज्यो के विकसित जगह में बसाया गया है कश्मीर के संभा सेक्टर में किन लोगों की पनहा के साथ वे वहाँ रह रहे है? बात चिंता जनक है 2012 कांग्रेस गठबंधन सरकार के शासन में इनकी धुसपैठ में रोक क्यों नहीं लगाई ?जो 1980 में आये बंगालदेशी मुस्लिम घ...

Challenges Ahead for BRICS

Challenges Ahead for BRICS PM of India is in Xiamen, China for 2017 9 th   BRICS annual summit. PM said that he looks forward to productive discussions   and   positive outcomes   with   leaders of the BRICS group   to support the agenda for stronger partnership among BRICS members . This will be first time PM of India and President of China will meet post the resolution of Doklam standoff. The summit happens at multiple levels 1.       what actually happens at BRICS 2.       what is happening bilaterally between countries: India-Russia, Russia-china etc. 3.       what is happening in other groupings- IBSA, RIC etc. Once there are couple of countries together, agreeing to particular agenda is a difficult task. At the same time, every countries’ policy makers will pick up what it suits them such as topics like climate change, global governance, global economic governance...


Demonetization Objective only “parallel economy, counterfeit currency in circulation and terror financing” “ Demonetisation has been a radical, unprecedented step with short term costs and long term benefits but in organized sector only . The liquidity squeeze was less severe than suggested by the headlines and has been easing since end-December 2016. A number of follow-up actions would minimize the costs and maximise the benefits of demonetization but in real world effect we can not count because market is unorganized . These include: fast, demand-driven, remonetisation; further tax reforms, including bringing land and real estate into the GST, reducing tax rates (but actual is increasing because market instability)  and stamp duties; and acting to allay anxieties about over-zealous tax administration. These actions would allow growth to return to trend in 2017-18, following a temporary decline in 2016-17” backgr...